New work platform increases the flexibility of the T44

Our T44 rig was equipped with a new working platform. This enabled us to significantly increase the flexibility of the rig and react to changing requirements at some well sites. Two advantages in particular should be emphasized:

Accessibility in the substructure has been significantly improved to facilitate on-site work. Two different substructure heights are now possible – 5 and 6 meters – so that larger BOP stacks than before can be used if necessary.

In addition, the rig is internally braced with the new working platform. It therefore requires less space on the drilling site and thus takes into account the limited space available in many places.

The constant further development of our rigs is extremely important to us. This means that we can always adapt our rigs to the current needs of our customers. A luxury that our internal technology department in particular allows us.

The latest example of this – our freshly upgraded T44 – has already been able to prove this and successfully complete the first project. It is now already being used by another customer in a backfilling campaign involving 4 wells.

Details on the loads and performance of our heavy workover rig T44 as well as further information on the ongoing further development of our rigs can be found here: